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"They engaged and entertained the crowd both young and old alike and were undoubtedly the highlight of the exhibit"

--Kelly Barron, CEO Radcliff/Fort Knox Convention and Tourism Commission

Suggested Occasions for Abraham and/or Mary Lincoln

  1. Schools – all grade levels

  2. Nursing and assisted living homes

  3. Presidents Day (month of February)

  4. Various historical occasions

  5. Museums

  6. Civil War reenactments

  7. Various parties and celebrations such as Derby, Family reunions, etc… where Mary and I can just mingle among the crowd as the Lincolns.

  8. Special Holiday times relating to the Civil War

--April 14 day of assassination
--July 4th Independence Day – Gettysburg
--November Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln

Mary and I together have appeared at over 500 events and would be happy to supply references. Mary and I are Bible believing Christians and our home church is South East Christian Church in Louisville, KY where we have been members for 12 years.

Gettysburg Address